Content Studio+ icon

Content Studio+

Content Studio extension with advanced features


  • Layers widget in the Content Grid

Content Studio+ extends the standard functionality of Content Studio. The additional features include:

Layers Widget

The content layers widget lets you navigate between different layers of a content item directly in the Content Navigator or the Content Editor through the context panel. Open the panel, navigate to the widget, and see layers above and below the current layer you are in. All the connected layers of the selected content item can be edited from the context panel, making it fast to switch between the different layers.


The archive functionality adds an archive icon to the left-hand Content Studio menu. Every time you "delete" a content item, it will be added to the archive. With this functionality, you can access the archive and navigate the contents as usual. Browse, search, select, delete permanently, or restore one or several content items to their original placement.

A/B Variants Widget

Variants are slightly modified copies of content items used for A/B testing to determine which performs better. Using the "Variants" widget in Content Studio+, users can create, duplicate, and manage variants, then use their URLs in third-party A/B testing tools.

Publishing Report Widget

This widget enables comparison of content publications made within a specified range of time, with a print-out option.

Read more about Content Studio+ here.

Note: Extended functions inside this application will only be activated under a valid Enonic license.


  1. 1.7.0

    • Support for multiple parent projects
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.14.1
  2. 1.6.0

    • Publishing Report widget
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.13.0
  3. 1.5.1

    • Bug fix: Search in Archive doesn't work
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.0
  4. 1.5.0

    • Widget for A/B variants
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.0
  5. 1.4.0

    • Avoid going to the Browse view when opening Archive
    • Change Content Studio+ to be a widget
    • Get rid of inline scripts
    • Search in Archive
    • Switch from TSLint to ESLint
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.9.0
  6. 1.3.0

    • Changed to widget
    • Removed inline scripts
    • Switched from TSLint to EXLint
    • ... and many more improvements and bugfixes
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.9.0
  7. 1.2.0

    • Content Archive
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.8.0
  8. 1.1.0

    • Unified license validation
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.6.0
  9. 1.0.0

    • Content Layers widget
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.6.0