Explorer icon


Search platform - aggregate and search data from different sources


  • Trying a search in explorer admin

Explorer enables indexing of custom data sources (aka collections). Each collection stores it’s data in separate XP repos.

Back office

Explorer admin interface lets search operators control the collections, manage fields, synonym lists, and expose the data through “interfaces”.

Custom front-end

Explorer does not provide a front-end by itself. Search results can be delivered through custom front-ends of any kind and design. Visit https://helsebiblioteket.no/sok for a live example.


Explorer is more than an Enonic app, it is a platform. Extend it with custom collectors (background tasks that collect data) using custom configuration forms. Check out the collector starter


Explorer provides several APIs. Web API for ingestion, graphQL API for building front-end search clients, and a JavaScript API for collector jobs running in XP.

Freemium licensing

Explorer is licensed with the Enonic Licence. This means that everyone can use Explorer, but with some functional limitations. Subscription customers can enjoy unlimited numbers of collections and all functionality.


  1. 4.4.6

    • WebCrawler: Fix #932 node.prop('innerHTML') causes Error: Cannot read property "children" from undefined
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  2. 4.4.5

    • Fix: Term boost results are included even when they don't match the searchstring (lib-explorer #316)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  3. 4.4.3

    • WebCrawler: Doesn't delete old documents matching exclude pattern(s) (#923)
    • Webcrawler: HttpHeadersTimeoutException on entrypointUrl causes Webcrawler to delete all documents (#924)
    • Webcrawler: Support pagination, but only persist first visit to uri without query and fragment (#926)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  4. 4.4.2

    • Lower the severity from error to warning for some log messages (#922)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  5. 4.4.1

    • WebCrawler: Normalize urls without slash to avoid duplicates (#914)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  6. 4.4.0

    • WebCrawler: Support noindex data attribute (#911)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  7. 4.3.0

    • Filter the Collections list (#594)
    • Make collections table sortable on some columns (#905)
    • WebCrawler: Add displayName string in DocumentType (prefer og:title else title) (#896)
    • WebCrawler: Support configurable headless browser (url:port) (#899)
    • WebCrawler: Use html[lang]/og:locale as document_metadata.language -> stemmingLanguage (#900)
    • WebCrawler: Support custom http request headers (#898)
    • WebCrawler: Support indexing of Open Graph fields (#895)
    • WebCrawler: Add placeholder with example of regexp into the exclude input (#901)
    • WebCrawler: Add domain and path field from url (#897)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  8. 4.2.0

    • Implement #891 Toggle to delete repo when deleting collection
    • Fix #890 Deleting collection doesn't delete schedule
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  9. 4.1.0

    • Implement #291 Support sort in the interface GraphQL API search function
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  10. 4.0.5

    • Fix #883 Collections list is flickering while collectors are running
    • Fix #884 Non collector task shows up on the status page
    • Fix #291 Allow restarting a collector task when previous one is finished
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  11. 4.0.4

    • Fix: WebCrawler handle robots.txt responses without contentType and bodyStream instead of body (#885)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  12. 4.0.3

    • Fixed: Scheduled collectors fail because task config.name isn't properly removed
    • Fixed: Collectors fail for users without super admin privileges
    • Note: Collector apps must be updated to use lib-explorer-4.0.3 (or newer) to avoid those bugs
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  13. 4.0.2

    • Fixed some errors related to urls under vhost
    • Fixed a bug in the documents API (relevant for collectors)
    • Made it possible to log interface query results using http header (explorer-log-query-result: 1)
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  14. 4.0.1

    • Fixed bug when setting up multiple vhosts to the same endpoint
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  15. 4.0.0

    • Added GraphQL search
    • Improved UI
    • Added DocumentTypes
    • Added Documents search page
    • Improved search on homepage and under interfaces
    • Simplified Interfaces
    • Improved Synonyms (language, stemming)
    • Documents REST API improved
    • Removed Schema page: Fields and Field values (use DocumentTypes)
    • Removed lib-explorer.search function (use GraphQL)
    • Added data migrations from v1 -> v4 that runs at first start
    • Improved Collector class
    • Journal can now log information and warning, in addition to success and error.
    • Removed deprecated functions collector.register & unregister
    • Code converted to TypeScript
    • Code test coverage improved
    • Synchronized version number between lib and app
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.12.2
  16. 1.5.2

    • Fix BUG: Editing thesaurus shows synonyms outside thesaurus #427
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.7.2
  17. 1.5.0

    • Make it possible to select language per collection
    • Support stemmed queries
    • Add API-key administration (http.header.Authorization: Explorer-Api-Key XXXX)
    • Schema validation (Min/max occurrences, valueType)
    • Add CRUD Document REST API (webapp/api/v1/collections/<collectionName>/documents)
    • Use distributed tasks
    • Replace lib-cron with the internal scheduler
    • Data migration on first startup based on model number
    • Replace collector register with collectors.json
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.7.2
  18. 1.4.0

    • Make it possible to link a thesaurus to none, any or specific language(s)
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.8.0
    • * getSynonyms will now filter on languages
    • * thesaurus/query({thesauri}) make it possible to filter on thesaurus name(s)
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.7.0
    • * Added languages field to thesaurus
    • * getFields({fields}) make it possible to only get some fields
    • * getFieldValues({field}) field can now be an array of fields
    • * hasValue(field, values) now applies forceArray to its second parameter
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.6.0
    • * Generate href for hit tags
    • * Require Enonic XP 7.4.1
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.4.1
  19. 1.3.0

    • Interface data in POST body rather than params.json
    • Make sure fragmentSize and numberOfFragments are integers
    • Make it possible to select highlight fragmenter, numberOfFragments, order, postTag and preTag
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.5.1:
    • * Log stacktraces when catching
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.5.0:
    • * Work around nashorn issue with trunc and toInt
    • * Improve debugging with explain and logQueryResults parameters
    • * Use highlight fragmenter, numberOfFragments, order, postTag and preTag when searching
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.3.2
  20. 1.2.0

    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.1.0
    • Use highlighter provided by Enonic API
    • Require Enonic XP 7.3.2
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.3.2
  21. 1.1.0

    • Require Enonic XP 7.3.1
    • Upgrade to lib-explorer-3.0.7
    • Upgrade to react 6.12
    • Upgrade to semantic-ui-react 1.2.1
    • Expose fields to Collector React Component
    • BUGFIX Too strict GraphQL Schema lead to missing field values
    • Webcrawler collector: Add https:// if no :// in url
    • Make initialization a task and show progress in admin app rather than an error
    • BUGFIX A collector application can't check the license of app-explorer
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.3.1
  22. 1.0.0

    • Initial release
    • Compatibility:

      • 7.3.0